The Kirkburton League Constitution document can be found here.
Official League Rule Book (updated July 2023)
Section 1: Commencement Of Game.
Section 7: Penalty Following Any Foul.
Section 10: Match Administration.
1: The balls are to be racked as illustrated on the E.P.A rule sheet.
2: The order of play will be determined by the toss of a coin.
3: The winner of the toss will have the choice of breaking or to pass the break over to the opposition.
4: The player breaking must break from anywhere behind the baulk line.
5: Timed games - The 60 second shot time rule can be enforced at any time during any game, including during the frame in play. The time rule can be requested by either player or captain or can be enforced by the referee.
6: The referee at all times will act as time keeper.
7: If the white ball leaves the table during a timed game the clock will not re-start until the referee has handed the oncoming player the white ball.
8: If an object ball leaves the table during a timed game the clock will not re-start until the referee has re-placed the ball back onto the table - see paragraph 13.
9: The minimum requirement for the person breaking is-
a: One or more balls are potted or;
b: Two or more balls, but not including the white, must hit a cushion.
10: If the correct number of balls do not make contact with the cushion, two shots are awarded to the opposition (the player with two shots may play from where the white lands, can elect to re-rack and break off with two shots or may take the ball in hand and play their first shot from behind the baulk line.
11: If any coloured ball(s) leave the table two shots are awarded to the opposition, these can be played from where the white ball finished or from behind the baulk line. The coloured ball(s) that have left the table are to be re-placed between the black spot and the baulk line, on the centre line of the table and as near to the black spot as possible without touching any other ball.
12: If when breaking the white is potted, two shots are awarded to the opposition.
12B: Any foul committed by a player breaking off will result in two shots being awarded to the opposition, unless the re-rack rule applies. The oncoming player will remain on the colour of the first ball he/she legally pots (the player cannot pot one colour and then nominate to play another colour ball).
13: If the white ball leaves the table two shots are awarded to the opposition, and are to be played from anywhere behind the baulk line.
14: See Paragraph 10.
15: A re-rack will be awarded if a player breaking pots the black ball, the player who broke will break again as no foul has been committed.
16: If a player asks the referee for a re-rack both players must agree for a re-rack to be called.
17: If there is no clear path for the white ball to go through the referee may award a re-rack.
18: If in the referee’s opinion no progress is being made in the game, the referee can award so many shots to be played before calling a re-rack.
19: When a re-rack has been called the player who originally broke will break again.
20: When a legal break has been played and no object ball has been potted; players will take it in turn to pot any object ball. The first legal ball potted denotes the group that that player must then play for. The break will end when that player misses a ball of their own group or commits a foul.
21: If a player breaks and legally pots more than one colour of ball they then have the choice of which colour group they wish to play for. The player must clearly inform the referee which colour they intend to play for, failure to do so will result in two shots being awarded to the opposition and the play will revert back to an open table.
22: If a player pots a red ball from the break and then nominates to stay on that colour, but fails to pot the next red ball, they still remain on reds. If they commit a foul with their next shot they remain on reds and two shots are awarded to the opposition.
23: If a player pots a red ball from the break and then nominates to play for the yellow ball, they must pot the yellow ball to stay on that colour. Failure to pot the ball will result in play returning to an open table.
24: If a player pots a ball of each colour from the break, then nominates a colour of their choice but fails to pot the ball, they still remain on the colour chosen.
25: In Off.
26: Hitting an opponent’s ball before your own (except when you have two shots)
27: Failing to hit any ball with the cue ball.
28: If a players ball drops into the pocket before the opposition player has touched the table the break continues.
29: If a player’s ball drops into the pocket after the opposition player has touched the table, two shots and a free table are awarded.
30: Jump shots.
31: Hitting the black ball other than when having potted all the balls in your own group or when having been awarded two shots.
32: Ball off the table. See paragraphs 11 & 13.
33: If a players clothing or body touches a ball.
34: A player not having one foot touching the floor when playing a shot.
35: Playing or touching with the cue any other ball except the white.
36: Playing out of turn.
37: Playing before the ball(s) have come to rest.
38: Playing a shot before any ball(s) that have left the table have been re-spotted.
39: Hitting the cue ball with any other part of the cue apart from the tip.
40: Hitting the cue ball with the tip more than once.
41: If during timed games a player fails to play his/her shot before the 60 second time limit.
42: Any player receiving coaching during a game will be given one warning and then penalised two shots for a repeat offence.
NB - A player may talk to his partner only when they have stepped back from the table. This applies to every shot. Any comments made to a player when in play from non-players (including team members) will be deemed as coaching: penalties as rule 43 will apply.
43: Following any foul the offending player loses their next visit to the table and their opponent is awarded two shots and a free table.
44: The player awarded two shots can play from where the white has come to rest or can request the referee place the ball in hand and play their first shot from anywhere behind the baulk line.
45: The referee must recover the white ball and hand it to the player at all times
46: On the first of their two shots the player can pot any ball of their opponents group, they are also permitted to play onto the black ball. If the player pots the black ball before potting all the balls in their group this will be loss of game.
47: Following any foul a player with two shots who has only the black ball left to pot, may use one of his opponent’s balls to pot the black.
48: If a player pots the black ball before potting all the balls of their own group, in separate shots.
49: A player potting the black ball but then going in off with the white or another ball.
50: Deliberate foul - no attempt to play a ball of your chosen colour.
If a player makes a deliberate foul by hitting an opponents ball/s without attempting to first hit a ball of his chosen colour, then the referee shall call a deliberate foul and award the frame to the other player/s.
51: Deliberate Foul - one cushion shot.
The white ball must land within six inches of the object ball being aimed for when playing a one cushion shot. If the player fails to do so they will be warned by the Referee, if the player fails a second time this will result in the loss of the game.
52: Deliberate Foul - multi-cushion shot.
The white ball must have been hit with sufficient force to land within six inches of the object ball, even if the ball strikes another during travel. Failure to do so will result in the same warnings as the one cushion shot.
53: A player breaking their cue or offering to shake the hand of their opponent before the black ball has been potted (except when breaking off) will be deemed to have conceded the game, except where a player is using a ‘breaking cue’.
54: Push shots are permitted.
55: If the white ball is touching a ball of the players own group they are permitted to play away without having to strike another ball of their group.
56: If the white ball is touching a ball of their opponents group the player must play away and they must also make contact with a ball of their own group, failure to do so will result in a foul being called.
57: Opposition players or spectators that stand in the sight line of a player at the table will be warned and asked to move by the referee.
58. A player's visit ends when all of the balls stop moving.
59: Should a Captain believe that a decision made by the referee is incorrect at any point during a game he/she should immediately raise it with the opposition Captain. After reviewing the decision together if they cannot come to an agreement the game should proceed as decided by the referee and the issue raised with a Committee member for review after the match completes.
60: A match consists of six singles and three doubles games.
61: Order of play, two singles and then one doubles.
62: Each player may play one singles and one doubles game only during the match.
63: One point will be awarded for each game won and two bonus points will be awarded to the winning team.
64: Matches to be played on Monday, all games to start at 8.15 pm.
65: If the match fails to start by 8.30 pm, the opposing captain can claim the first game if he so decides, if no games are played by 8.45pm the opposing captain can claim the match.
66: In the event of a match being claimed the non-offending team will claim nine points, no bonus points will be awarded.
67: All knockout matches to be played on Wednesday nights and the same rules as Monday must apply.
68: Team knockout matches may be re-arranged if the match venue is unavailable on the match date, the league secretary must be informed so the match can be re- arranged.
69: Players must either be registered prior to the start of the season on the Team Registration Form or subsequently, up to the halfway point of the season, by using the Registration Form on the Web-Site, or with the agreement of both captains who must sign the back of the results sheet.
70: Registration fees for players registered after the start of the season and up to the halfway point will become due at the halfway point. At or around this time there will be a mandatory Captain’s meeting (4 points penalty for non-attendance) where fees will be paid to the League or the players will be deemed unregistered.
71: Registration of emergency players: Should a team attend any venue with reduced players they may request to register additional players on the rear of the match sheet. This must be agreed to by the opposition captain and also be approved by calling a member of the committee. This rule only applies to games played on a Monday evening and not to any knockout competition.
72: The Web Site Registered Players pages will be the official reference for all registered players.
73: Any team found playing unregistered players will score zero points for that match. Any frames won by the unregistered player will be awarded to the opposition team and bonus points awarded accordingly.
74: Both captains must sign the result card.
75: In the event of a dispute the match must be played to a conclusion, the disputing captains must not sign the result card but must refer the dispute to the league committee.
76: At the end of the season if two teams are on level points the team with the most wins will be awarded the division title, should both teams have the same number of wins as well they will play a deciding match.
77: Matches can be re-arranged due to inclement weather or due to the venue being unavailable. In any other circumstances only if both captains agree can the match be rearranged with as much notice as possible to players and the Committee.
78: A player having played for a team cannot play for any other team during the season.
79: The winning team have the responsibility of sending the result card to the Web Site Administrator so that the result and individual wins can be registered, this must be within 72 hours. The card can be submitted by email or picture text.
80: Failure to inform the Web Site Administrator of the result or send in the result card will incur a two point penalty.
81: Teams that are division champions, team knockout champions, division runner up or team knockout runner up will be allowed one plaque with all the team’s names on, and 8 individual trophies or medals, any additional must be paid for by the team.
82: All players involved in knockout competitions must play the match at the venue they are drawn, failure to do so will result in the result being scratched.
83: All players must turn up at the venue to claim the match.
84: A player is eligible for the knockouts providing he/she is registered and has played at least one league game before the half-way point of the season.
85: In Team KO matches that are played at neutral venues, (i.e. semifinals and finals) teams must write the whole team down on the scoresheet before the match starts and give it to the referee who will then call the matches one by one. If a player is not at the venue when their game is scheduled to start, the referee will move on to the next game and come back to the missing one if and when possible.
86: A minimum of four players have to play for a match to be valid. If a team cannot play four players on the arranged evening they will forfeit the match.
87: Once a frame has been completed and there is no player available after fifteen minutes to continue the match, the next frame can be claimed. After a further fifteen minutes the match can be claimed.
88: During timed games the referee will not call 30 seconds remaining if the player at the table is preparing to play their shot, instead the referee will wait till the player has played their shot and then call the remaining time.
89: From the Semi-Final stage of any competition the committee may provide an independent referee, if available, to supervise/time all games.
90: All knockout Semi-Finals and Finals will be played at neutral venues.
91: For all knockout matches both team captains must fill in a team sheet confirming the players they are using and playing order, one by one as they do in league matches.
92: Should any player or team be barred from a venue, they must inform the committee so a decision can be made as to if the player or team can re-locate to another venue. In general, for any player or team being barred from a venue they may be penalised for miss-conduct or a serious breach of league rules regarding discipline.
93: As long as 75% of registered players in any team re-locate at the end of a season, that team will retain its position in the league. If less than 75% of registered players re-locate then the team will start the new season as a new team in the lowest division.
94: Any team wishing to change their home venue during the course of the season must be given approval by the Committee before they can re-locate. For venues that close during the course of the season the Committee must confirm the team can re-locate.
95: Any team that fails to attend three away games at any point during the season will be suspended from the league with immediate effect.
96: For matches played on Monday evenings only one scorecard is required.
97: Should any member of the league require a decision regarding any pool league matter no individual member of the Committee will be authorised to make any decision, a minimum of three members of the Committee must be contacted to discuss the matter/decision that is required.
98: The Committee will have the authority to impose the following penalties with regard to breaches of discipline or improper conduct made by any player/team in the league.
(1) Penalty points that can be awarded to any player/team during the course of the season or prior to the start of the season.
(2) Suspension from the league for a set period.
(3) Should the actions of any Committee member, player or team be deemed as inappropriate conduct or bring the game and league into disrepute the Committee has the option to issue a lifetime ban to any individual/individuals.
99: Table standards.
Any complaint received regarding the standard of a table will be investigated by the Committee, if further complaints are received the venue team will be deducted four points. If further complaints are received the team will be suspended from the league until the table issues have been resolved.
© Copyright 2025 | Kirkburton Pool League | All rights reserved
Website by: Pro Creative 4Web
Feedback: Ian Barker (Honley)